Tips For Your Bowling Green in August
This year has been a funny one but hopefully bowling clubs have managed to get some play in socially distanced.
You should be mowing 2-3x a week throughout August to keep the height of cut around 4-8mm. Scarification should be a monthly task to keep on top of thatch levels- a spongy green will not play well and ball roll will be slow and inconsistent.
C20/C24- 20/24'' Interchangeable Cartridge Machine
We also have the Allett Tournament with fixed groomer (not a cartridge machine however)
For clubs with a smaller budget why not look at the Allett Kensington or Allett Liberty 43 (Battery Power) which have their own range of cartridges equivalent to the PRO range machines
- Scarify AND verticut at least once a month
- Cut in two directions: N-S and E-W aswell as diagonally. This will help improve the speed of the green and will stop any contours developing down the length of the green.
- Double cutting may be another option to help increase green speed. This will also help with presentation.
- Brushing the playing surface will keep the green clean of debris and will remove any moisture which could lead to disease.
- It might be an idea to apply topdressing to restore and maintain surface levels